Profound thinking
for powerful results.
Perceptual Intelligence® gives business leaders profound new ways to improve workplace performance and culture.
How? By optimizing the root causes of emotion, motivation, and behavior.
The results are powerful. Constructive changes that are fast, easy, and extensive.
In this video you’ll hear Erik Van Alstine, founder of Perceptual Intelligence®, describe how the company serves organizational leaders.
Clients Served Include:
A powerful new learning opportunity.
In this video you’ll hear Erik Van Alstine, founder of Perceptual Intelligence®, describe how the company helps individuals and work teams.
Here's an introduction to the first course in the Perceptual Intelligence® Series, Automatic Influence, by Erik Van Alstine.
Lesson 1 Video Segment (1:15): This Changes Everything
Profound, Significant Empowerment
Teaches how to optimize emotions, motivations, and behavior.
Optimal Decisions and Alignment
Helps leaders and teams paddle in the best direction.
Transforming Happiness and Morale
Builds happy people who get things done and get better together.
What is Perceptual Intelligence® and how does it help?
Perceptual Intelligence® is a leadership strategy that gets to the root causes of emotions, motivations, and behaviors, helping leaders drive extensive change and culture transformation. Our trainings offer new ways to move people and organizations to their highest in health and productivity.
Perceptual Intelligence® trainings create profound improvements in organizational culture, including deep empowerment, better decisions and alignment, higher morale, lower turnover, and effective conflict resolution.
The first step to Perceptual Intelligence® is to understand the nature of perception, to know what perception is and how it works. This includes the way we characterize things and situations, then the way we evaluate them as good and bad. It includes sensory experience, but also imagination and memory. It involves perceptual limits and the “lock and block” effect created by those limits. Finally, it includes views of self, others, situations, and life.
Once the foundational ideas are solid, we start optimizing corporate culture and every area of life by embedding four prime perceptions: views of self and others that improve the way we work in organizations and live our lives. Changes that seemed almost impossible before we understood this power are now profoundly easier.
Perceptual Intelligence® Courses and Content
There are currently four offerings in the Perceptual Intelligence Series. Each offering is a book, digital course, and live training.
Each content is not only a book and digital course, but also part of a complete blended coaching and training solution, designed with your specific needs in mind. Each of the courses stand alone and teach leadership insights on the foundation of the Perceptual Intelligence® leadership strategy.
To find out more about each, click here.
The Workplace Challenge
Worker Dysfunction
The average worker experiences 2.5 hours of drama (dysfunctional thinking and relating) every day.
Manager Dysfunction
Seven out of every ten workers would rather have a new boss than more pay.
Seven out of ten workers think about quitting every single day.
Perceptual Intelligence® offers a unique and powerful way to meet these challenges. Morale goes up. Turnover goes down. People get along and get ahead. There’s more truth, more learning, and more cooperation. More power to be effective than ever before.
The First Book and Course in the Perceptual Intelligence® Series
Life-Changing Results in a Recent Event
Here are testimonials from a recent Automatic Influence training.
In twenty years working as an HR executive in the largest companies in the world, I've never seen something that moves the needle like this.
Let’s get started. Contact us to see how your organization can “move the needle” with Perceptual Intelligence®.
The First Book and Course in the Perceptual Intelligence® Series
Automatic Influence Course Sample Videos
Here are a few more video segments from the 9-hour, 19-lesson course.
Lesson 4 Video Segment (2:11): A Huge Boost in Performance
Lesson 1 Video Segment (1:31): The Greatest Opportunity for Improvement
Lesson 13 Video Segment (4:25): Full Power and Responsibility
The most profound, impacting leadership training I've ever experienced.
Contact us and we’ll help you make profound positive changes in your organization, using the principles of Perceptual Intelligence®.