Picture of Erik Van Alstine

Erik Van Alstine

Author. Leadership strategist. Expert in Perceptual IntelligenceTM.

Here’s How Leaders Level-Up with Better Decisions and Better Buy-In

When leaders make bad decisions, it’s bad for everybody.

But when leaders make good decisions, it’s good for everybody.

If everybody buys in, of course.

Which they often don’t.

What might happen if every leader in your organization suddenly made better decisions and created greater alignment behind those decisions? The effect would be revolutionary.

Why? If they believe the decision is bad, of course they won’t buy in.

But sometimes they don’t buy in to good decisions, because they weren’t involved in the process, they weren’t considered, their opinion meant nothing, and perhaps they believe the decision could have been better. So it’s a good decision, but not a great decision.

Either way, they’re not buying it.

But they’re not going to tell the leader they don’t buy it. They’ll just tell everyone else, and resist in subtle and invisible ways that the leader can’t see but that can sense because they’re pushing pushing pushing but getting nowhere.

What’s a leader to do?

The obvious answer is, make better decisions and get buy in.

But it’s easier said than done.

Ahh, but there is a way to make it almost as easy said as done. When leaders work in perceptually intelligent ways and fully digest what I call the First Prime Perception, decisions are always better, and buy-in is almost always a given.

Here’s a taste of this insight from my recent digital course, Automatic Influence.

For the full enchilada, I encourage you and your team to get trained in these principles. Schedule a live preview event with 5-7 of your organization’s decision-makers on site with my network of consultants and trainers, and use the digital course to get every leader in your organization to mastery.

What might happen if every leader in your organization suddenly made better decisions and created greater alignment behind those decisions? The effect would be revolutionary.

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